Tag: javascript

  • Tooltip For Dropdown

    Tooltip For Dropdown

    What Is Tool Tip The tooltip or infotip or a hint is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a pointer. The user hovers the pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may appear—a small “hover box” with information about the item being hovered…

  • Javascript sleep, javascript wait, javascript setTimeout

    Javascript sleep, javascript wait, javascript setTimeout

    When you are trying to call same ajax function again and again ,then it may be possible that some calls are not acknowledged.i experienced this problem so i’m sharing this article Javascript sleep, javascript wait, javascript setTimeout with you . Sleep function  stops the executing thread for given amount of time. for example: we have…

  • Javascript in WordPress Menus URL

    Javascript in WordPress Menus URL

    By default wordpress don’t allow you to put JavaScript function in its menu URL There are few steps to insert Javascript in WordPress Menus URL with jQuery without editing wordpress core.